Microsoft Access
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Microsoft Access
Microsoft Corporation
Initial release
November 1992; 20 years ago
2013 (15.0.4420.1017) /
October 2, 2013; 5 months' time
Development status
Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is
a database management system from Microsoft that combines the
relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools.
It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included
in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately.
Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the
Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and
Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to
developapplication software, and "power users" can use it to build software
applications. Like other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications, an object-oriented programming language that can
reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveXData Objects, and many other ActiveX
components. Visual objects used in forms and reports expose their methods and
properties in the VBA programming environment, and VBA code modules may declare
and call Windows operating-system functions.
2 Uses
Project Omega
Microsoft's first attempt to sell a relational database
product was during the mid 1980s, when Microsoft obtained license to sell R:Base. In the late 1980s Microsoft developed
its own solution codenamed Omega. It was confirmed in 1988 that a database
product for Windows and OS/2 was in development. It was going to include
"EB" Embedded Basic language, which was going to be the language for
writing macros in all Microsoft applications, but the unification of macro
languages did not happen until the introduction of VBA. Omega was also expected
to provide a front end to the Microsoft SQL Server. The application was very
resource-hungry, and there were reports that it was working slowly on the 386
processors that were available at the time. It was scheduled to be released in
the 1st quarter of 1990, but in 1989 the development of the product was reset
and it was rescheduled to be delivered no sooner than in January 1991. Parts of
the project were later used for other Microsoft projects: Cirrus (codename for
Access) and Thunder (codename for Visual Basic, where the Embedded Basic engine
was used). After Access's premiere, the Omega project was demonstrated in 1992
to several journalists and included features that were not available in Access.
editProject Cirrus
After the Omega project was scrapped, some of its developers
were assigned to the Cirrus project (most were assigned to the team which
created Visual Basic).[2] Its goal was to create a
competitor for applications like Paradox or dBase that would work on Windows.[3] After Microsoft acquired FoxPro, there were rumors that the Microsoft
project might get replaced with it,[4] but the company decided to
develop them in parallel. It was assumed that the project would make use
of Extensible Storage Engine (Jet Blue)[5] but, in the end, only support
for Microsoft Jet Database Engine (Jet Red) was provided. The
project used some of the code from both the Omega project and a pre-release
version of Visual Basic.[6] In July 1992, betas of Cirrus
shipped to developers[7] and the name Access became the
official name of the product.[8]
1992: Microsoft released Access version 1.0 on 13 November
1992, and an Access 1.1 release in May 1993 to improve compatibility with other
Microsoft products and to include the Access Basic programming language.
1993: Microsoft specified the minimum hardware requirements
for Access v2.0 as: Microsoft Windows v3.1 with 4 MB of RAM required, 6 MB RAM recommended; 8 MB of available hard disk space required, 14 MB hard disk
space recommended. The product shipped on seven 1.44 MB diskettes. The manual
shows a 1993 copyright date.
Originally, the software worked well with relatively small
databases but testing showed that some circumstances caused data corruption. For example, file sizes over 10 MB
proved problematic (note that most hard disks held less than 500 MB at the time
this was in wide use), and the Getting Started manual warns
about a number of circumstances where obsolete device drivers or incorrect configurations can
cause data loss. With the phasing out of Windows 95, 98 and ME, improved
network reliability, and Microsoft having released 8 service packs for the Jet Database Engine, the reliability of Access databases
has improved[when?] and it supports both more data
and a larger number of users.
With Office 95, Microsoft Access 7.0 (a.k.a. "Access
95") became part of the Microsoft Office Professional Suite, joining
Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint and transitioning from Access Basic to
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Since then, Microsoft has released new
versions of Microsoft Access with each release of Microsoft Office. This
includes Access 97 (version 8.0), Access 2000 (version 9.0), Access 2002
(version 10.0), Access 2003 (version 11.5), Access 2007 (version 12.0), and
Access 2010 (version 14.0).
Versions 3.0 and 3.5 of Microsoft Jet database engine (used by Access
7.0 and the later-released Access 97 respectively) had a critical issue which
made these versions of Access unusable on a computer with more than 1 GB of
memory.[9] While Microsoft fixed this
problem for Jet 3.5/Access 97 post-release, it never fixed the issue with Jet
3.0/Access 95.
The native Access database format (the Jet MDB Database) has
also evolved over the years. Formats include Access 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 7.0, 97,
2000, 2002, 2007, and 2010. The most significant transition was from the Access
97 to the Access 2000 format; which is notbackward compatible with earlier versions of Access. As of 2011 all
newer versions of Access support the Access 2000 format. New features were
added to the Access 2002 format which can be used by Access 2002, 2003, 2007,
and 2010.
MS Access 2007 introduced a new database format: ACCDB. ACCDB supports complex data types such as multivalue and attachment
fields. These new field types are essentially recordsets in fields and allow
the storage of multiple values in one field. With Access 2010, a new version of
the ACCDB format supports hosting on a SharePoint 2010 server for exposure to
the web.
Prior to the introduction of Access, Borland (with Paradox and dBase) and Fox (with FoxPro) dominated the desktop database
market. Microsoft Access was the first mass-market database program for
Windows. With Microsoft's purchase of FoxPro in 1992 and the incorporation of
Fox's Rushmore query optimization routines into Access, Microsoft Access quickly became
the dominant database for Windows - effectively eliminating the competition
which failed to transition from the MS-DOS world.[10]
Access's initial codename was Cirrus; the forms engine was
called Ruby. This was before Visual Basic - Bill Gates saw the prototypes and decided
that the BASIC language component should be
co-developed as a separate expandable application, a project called Thunder.
The two projects were developed separately.
Access was also the name of a communications program from Microsoft,
meant to compete with ProComm and other programs. This proved a failure and was
dropped.[11] Years later, Microsoft reused the
name for its database software.
In addition to using its own database storage file,
Microsoft Access also may be used as the 'front-end' with other products as the
'back-end' tables, such as Microsoft SQL Server and non-Microsoft products such as Oracle and Sybase. Multiple backend sources can be used
by a Microsoft Access Jet Database (accdb and mdb formats). Similarly, some
applications will only use the Microsoft Access tables and use another product
as a front-end, such as Visual Basic or ASP.NET. Microsoft Access may be only part of
the solution in more complex applications, where it may be integrated with
other technologies such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlookor ActiveX Data Objects.
Access tables support a variety of standard field types, indices, and referential integrity. Access also includes a query interface, forms to display and enter data, and reports for printing.
The underlying Jet database, which contains these objects, is multiuser-aware and handles record-locking and referential integrity
including cascading updates and deletes.
Repetitive tasks can be automated through macros with point-and-click options. It is also easy to place
a database on a network and have multiple users share and update data without
overwriting each other's work. Data is locked at the record level which is significantly
different from Excel which locks the entire spreadsheet.
There are template databases within the program and for download from
their website. These options are available upon
starting Access and allow users to enhance a database with predefined
tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros. Templates do not includeVBA code.
Programmers can create solutions using the programming language Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which is similar to Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) and used throughout the Microsoft Office programs such as Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. Most VB6 code, including the use of Windows API calls, can be used in VBA. Power users and developers can extend
basic end-user solutions to a professional solution with advanced
automation, data validation, error trapping, and multi-user support.
The number of simultaneous users that can be supported
depends on the amount of data, the tasks being performed, level of use, andapplication design. Generally accepted limits are
solutions with 1 GB or less of data (Access supports up to 2 GB) and performs
quite well with 100 or fewer simultaneous connections (255 concurrent users are
supported). This capability is often a good fit for department solutions. If using an Access database solution
in a multi-user scenario, the application should be "split". This
means that the tables are in one file called the back end (typically stored on a shared
network folder) and the application components (forms, reports, queries, code,
macros, linked tables) are in another file called the front end. The linked tables in the front end
point to the back end file. Each user of the Access application would then
receive his or her own copy of the front end file.
Untuk Apa kita belajar microsoft Access.
Microsoft Access adalah suatu aplikasi yang dapat membantu kita
membuat sebuah aplikasi database dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Biasanya
digunakan untuk pembuatan aplikasi-aplikasi yang kecil. Misalnya Program untuk
Kasir di koperasi, penjualan untuk toko.
Di Microsoft Access ada bagian-bagian apa.
a. Table digunakan untuk menyimpan data
b. Query digunakan untuk memanipulasi data
c. Form digunakan untuk frontend aplikasi.
Biasanya untuk menampilkan data, menambah data dll.
d. Report digunakan untuk membuat laporan
e. Macro digunakan untuk melakukan satu
atau beberapa fungsi.
f. Switchboard digun
Apa itu Table?
Table adalah tempat untuk menyimpan data. Contohnya data barang
disimpan di table barang
Kenapa kita harus buat table ?
Karena kalau kita tidak buat table kita tidak dapat menyimpan
data, Jika tidak ada data yang disimpan data tidak dapat diproses.
Langkah membuat Table
1. Pada jendela database klik Table.
2. klik dua kali create table in design view
3. pada jendela table ketikan field-field table beserta tipe
4. Pilih File Save.
5. tutup table untuk membuat table-table lainnya.
Query adalah 'permintaan data' kita berupa bahasa bisnis, untuk
mengolah data dalam tabel(-tabel) menjadi satu informasi yang bisa dimengerti.
Seperti mengelompokkan sepuluh penjualan terbesar oleh customer yang dimiliki.
Ia bisa berdasarkan pada satu tabel saja, atau pada dua/lebih tabel, ataupun
berdasarkan pada query yang telah ada.
Query, Manfaat Query ?
Dengan Query kita dapat :
a. Menampilkan data-data tertentu pada suatu table,
contohnya kita hanya ingin melihat data pada table barang yang kode barangnya “B001”
b. Menampilkan data dari dua table atau lebih dengan syarat
anatr table itu ada field yang berhubungan. Contohnya kita ingin melihat Nomor
Faktur “F0001” itu siapa pemiliknya. Di sini kita mengambil data dari
table Header Penjualan dan Table Karyawan, Sebagai penghubungnya adalah
field NIK.
c. Dapat melakukan operasi perhitungan.
Itulah tiga fungsi utama query.
Query biasanya digunakan sebagai sumber data untuk Report.dan
Form digunakan untuk merepresentasikan ke user atau menerima
inputan dari user data-data dalam tabel/query dalam bentuk interface grid,
tombol, dan lain-lain kontrol windows. form dalam access bisa dimasukkan ke
dalam form lain sebagai control sub form, biasanya jika bekerja dalam transaksi
Report, seperti halnya form, digunakan untuk merepresentasikan
hasil olahan data menjadi informasi yang siap di cetak di lembaran kertas.
Mengapa kita perlu membuat Report ?.
Jika Atasan Anda meminta laporan penjualan kepada anda, tentunya
anda akan segera menyiapkannya anda bisa mencetak table penjualan sebagai
laporan tetapi hasil cetakannya tidak seperti laporan yang diinginkan. Cara
yang terbaik adalah dengan membuat Laporan Penjualan tersebut dengan
menggunakan Report. Dengan Report kapanpun Laporan dibutuhkan maka dengancepat
kita dapat menyediakannya.
Bagaiamana Cara Membuat ?
Report dapat dibuat dengan dua cara yaitu maual dan wizards. Pada
tutorial terdapat beberapa contoh pembutan report., anda tinggal mengikuti
langkah-langkah pembuatannya.
Pembuatan Report
Report Struk Penjualan
digunakan untuk mencetak struk barang-barang yang dibeli karyawan.
1. Sebelum kita buat
reportnya terlebih dulu kita buat sumberdata untuk report ini. Sumber data
sebuah report bisa dari table atau dari Query. Untuk keperluan ini kita akan
membuat Query Struk, Berikut Design untuk Query Struk, Simpan dengan nama qry_Struk
2. Pada Jendela Database klik Report.
Klik New, muncul jendela Report Wizard
Klik dua kali No_Fak untuk menghasilkan gambar,
Klik Finish, akan tampil design report struk
Semua Form dan Report telah selesai, sekarang kita buat Menu
Utamanya. Pada Access kita dapat membuat menu utama dengan memakai SwitchBoard.
Caranya :
- Pada menu bar Pilih Tools Database Utilities Switchboard Manager
- Akan muncul message box switchboard klik Yes
- Pada Jendela Switchboard Manager klik Edit lalu
klik New
microsoft office access 2007
untuk membuat program aplikasi persediaan barang
untuk membuat program aplikasi gaji pegawai
untuk membuat program aplikasi kehadiran
jadi intinya fungsi
microsoft office access 2007 adalah sebagai pembuat program aplikasi sebuah
data untuk kebutuhan sehari - hari .
dengan microsoft access anda dapatmerancang dan mengolah database
yang saling terkait.
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access 2010
Microsoft Access adalah program aplikasi bisnis yang berguna untuk membuat, mengolah
dan mengelola basis data (database). Versi terbaru program ini adalah Microsoft
Access 2010, yang dirilis pada tanggal 15 Juni 2010 sebagai bagian dari
paket Microsoft Office 2010. Software Microsoft Access dibuat dan dikembangkan
oleh Microsoft Corporation.
Perangkat lunak komputer ini memiliki
kelebihan pada kesederhanaan dan kemudahannya dalam mengolah basis data.
Pengguna dari kalangan awan non programmer pun bisa membuat sendiri basis data,
meskipun tidak menguasai teknik-teknik pemrograman database sekalipun.
Microsoft Access juga menyediakan beragam template basis data yang siap pakai
untuk berbagai kebutuhan penggunanya, misalnya untuk kebutuhan personal,
bisnis, maupun pendidikan. Cukup dengan memilih template yang ada, pengguna
tinggal menginputkan data yang ingin dikelolanya. Tentu saja basis data instan
tersebut secara mudah dapat dimodifikasi lebih lanjut sesuai kebutuhan.
Program Microsoft Access banyak diaplikasikan dan digunakan oleh pengguna komputer di bidang bisnis dan perkantoran. Microsoft Access merupakan software komersial dengan harga lisensi $140 USD (atau $500 USD untuk paket Microsoft Office Professional 2010). Microsoft Access dapat dijalankan di sistem operasi Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7. Untuk menginstall versi terbaru program ini, komputer Windows Anda harus memiliki spesifikasi minimal menggunakan prosesor 500 megahertz MHz, memori (RAM) 256 MB, resolusi monitor 1024x768 piksel, dan harddisk dengan kapasitas kosong minimal 1,5 GB.
Program Microsoft Access banyak diaplikasikan dan digunakan oleh pengguna komputer di bidang bisnis dan perkantoran. Microsoft Access merupakan software komersial dengan harga lisensi $140 USD (atau $500 USD untuk paket Microsoft Office Professional 2010). Microsoft Access dapat dijalankan di sistem operasi Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7. Untuk menginstall versi terbaru program ini, komputer Windows Anda harus memiliki spesifikasi minimal menggunakan prosesor 500 megahertz MHz, memori (RAM) 256 MB, resolusi monitor 1024x768 piksel, dan harddisk dengan kapasitas kosong minimal 1,5 GB.
Info Software Bisnis Microsoft Access
Jenis: Aplikasi Bisnis
Fungsi dan kegunaan: Software pengolah database
Target kalangan penggguna: karyawan dan pebisnis
Pengembang: Microsoft Corporation
Versi terbaru: Microsoft Access 2010
Tanggal rilis: 15 Juni 2010
Download: Unduh
Microsoft Access 2010 di sini(Trial)
Ukuran file sumber: 388,16 MB (paket Office)
Harga: Gratis uji coba,
$140 USD
(atau $500 USD
untuk paket Microsoft Office Professional 2010)
Kebutuhan Sistem & Persyaratan Instalasi Microsoft Access
Sistem operasi: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1,
Windows 7
Kapasitas Harddisk: Minimal 1,5 GB
Memori / Random Access Memory (RAM): Minimal 256 MB
Resolusi monitor: 1024x768 piksel